Reflected DOM XSS at ServiceNow - CVE-2022-39048

Hey everyone, I hope you all are doing good. This is a blog post of my another finding.

I started doing more research on ServiceNow after finding CVE-2022-38463. After spending some time at recon, I found an endpoint - ‘/’ which has a parameter ‘sysparm_survey_url’ and value was reflecting in response in JavaScript.


We have this JavaScript code:

<script eval="true">

// For security issue, we need to control the domain and redirect to "" ui page. If url is trying to redirect to external domain, we will force to redirect to "" page.
var unwrapped_url = "VALUE-OF-sysparm_survey_url";
var urlWithoutProtocol = unwrapped_url.replace(/(^\w+:|^)\/\//, '');// remove url protocols like "https://, http://"
var redirect_page = extractHostname(urlWithoutProtocol);
if (redirect_page === '')
	document.location.href = urlWithoutProtocol;
	document.location.href = "";


In above code snippet, value of ‘sysparm_survey_url’ parameter is reflecting in variable : unwrapped_url and then it is removing the ‘http://’ or ‘https://’ using regex:

unwrapped_url.replace(/(^\w+:|^)\/\//, '')

Then it is using a function ‘extractHostname()’ and this will split the value of unwrapped_url at ‘/’ and then return the value.

function extractHostname(url) {
    var hostname;
    //find & remove protocol (http, ftp, etc.) and get hostname

    if (url.indexOf("//") > -1)
        hostname = url.split('/')[2];
        hostname = url.split('/')[0];

    //find & remove port number
    hostname = hostname.split(':')[0];
    //find & remove "?"
    hostname = hostname.split('?')[0];

    return hostname;

here this function is checking if url has ‘//’ then split the url and return value at 2nd position starting from 0 else it will split and return the value at 0 position.

For example: If url is ‘aman//rawat’ then it will return ‘rawat’ and if url is ‘aman/rawat’ then it will return ‘aman’

then it is checking the value of ‘redirect_page’ variable. If value of ‘redirect_page’ is equal to ‘’ then it will redirect user to value of ‘sysparm_survey_url’

var redirect_page = extractHostname(urlWithoutProtocol);
if (redirect_page === '')
	document.location.href = urlWithoutProtocol;
	document.location.href = "";

redirecting to ‘urlWithoutProtocol’ using document.location.href makes this vulnerable to XSS because we created a payload to bypass the check in if statement and then we can get the XSS.

Payload: 'javascript:alert()//'

So, we give the above payload in parameter: ‘sysparm_survey_url’ and then it will bypass the check where ‘redirect_page’ variable must be equal to ‘’ because of extractHostname() function, value of ‘redirect_page’ will be ‘’.

And then it is redirecting to ‘urlWithoutProtocol’ using ‘document.location.href’ and value of ‘urlWithoutProtocol’ is ‘javascript:alert()//’ where ‘’ will be treated as comment and JavaScript will be executed.


Update ServiceNow instance to version - Tokyo Patch 1a, Patch 2, San Diego Patch 7b, Patch 9, Rome Patch 10 HotFix 2b, Quebec Patch 10 HotFix 10b.